A student project at UCLA determined Osama Bin Laden's location in 2009, a 19-year-old W.Va. man high on bath salts was arrested after he was found standing over a dead goat wearing bra & panties, and more headlines.
- UCLA Undergrads Were 80 Percent Sure Where Osama Bin Laden Was Hiding in 2009 [LANews.com]
- Man arrested after being found standing over dead goat, wearing women's underwear [CharlestonDailyMail.com]
- FBI Warns That Fake Bin Laden Video Is a Virus [PCWorld.com]
- Four Western Mass. men implicated in cocaine distribution ring stretching to Texas [GazetteNet.com]
- Who gets bin Laden's $25 million bounty? [CNN.com]
- Five Cops Struggle To Subdue Middletown, Ct. Man, Taze Him 34 Times [Courant.com]
- 67-year-old Mass. man accused of drug dealing [CapeCodTimes.com]
- Twitter posts tagged #westernma in Western Mass. [MassLive.com]
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