The town's fiscal 2012 funds will be down less than one percent from fiscal 2011 now that voters have passed a $23.58 million budget, down from $23.7 million.
WARE – Residents passed a slightly lower budget and defeated an article to join a utility aggregation program at the annual Town Meeting on Monday.
The town's fiscal 2012 budget will be $23.58 million, down from $23.7 million in fiscal 2011. The difference comes from a lower schools appropriation, a modest salary drop for some town officials and public safety workers and other minor cutbacks.
In fiscal 2011, the school department was appropriated $11.28 million, but will have about $11.22 million to work with in the fiscal year that begins July 1.
The budget was recommended unanimously by the board of selectmen, the finance committee and Town Manager Mary T. Tzambazakis.
"My goal is to try not to lay off any people this year," said Tzambazakis.
Residents defeated an article allowing the town to take steps to join Hampshire Power, an electricity aggregation program run by the Hampshire Council of Governments.
William R. Braman, vice chair of the board of selectmen, said the council would have to offer a lower rate for electricity than National Grid in order for the town to continue the process.
"Every time somebody says this is too good to be true, it probably is," said selectman John A. Desmond. "I think it would be premature to do it and we don't have to do it tonight."
Resident Vincent Bradley said utility companies "offer a carrot on a stick" and wondered if it would be simple to be dropped from the program.
Jeffrey Rogers, a Hampshire Power representative, spoke to voters about the program and said that every resident who has used it has saved money on electric bills. Every resident has the opportunity to opt out at any time, he said.
Six residents spoke out against lowering the quota for future Town Meetings from 100 to 75, citing the need for more advertising and educating the public about the importance of civic engagement. The article was defeated in a landslide.
Voters also authorized the town to seek special legislation from the state to let two men apply for jobs on the police force even though they are above the age limit of 32.
Several "housekeeping" articles related to the town's financial appropriations and activities were passed unanimously, including three allowing the town to accept grants from the state and federal government.
At a special town meeting beforehand, voters unanimously approved two interdepartmental transfers, one for an actuarial study to ensure the town's compliance with accounting regulations and another to balance and supplement various department budgets.