Nearly 50 teenagers voluntarily participated in the annual, five-day paramilitary-style training at the Massachusetts State Police Academy in New Braintree.
NEW BRAINTREE – No cell phone, no contact with friends and no television sounds like punishment.
But the nearly 50 teenagers voluntarily participating in the annual, five-day paramilitary-style training occurring this week at the Massachusetts State Police Academy say temporarily doing without some of the contemporary world’s creature comforts is a small price to pay for the unique experience.
They said the discipline of hard work – combined with some in-your-face time with the instructors – builds character, patience and insight into what lies ahead, should they try to become a police officer someday.
The 15- to 17-year-old’s are housed at the police academy overnight during the program.
They are barred from contacting their parents – although they are free to opt out at any time, which a small number chose to do after the first day.
The program, in its 25th year, is sponsored by the American Legion. Participants pay $300 to attend; the cost includes all meals. It runs Monday through Friday this week.
State police directly run the summer training program, “designed for men and women with good scholastic standing and high moral character (that) uses a paramilitary structure,” State Police Sgt. Stephen C. Mullaney said.
“It’s not for everybody. It is not a summer camp.”
Mullaney is the state police training director. At more than six feet tall, buffed, solid as a rock, wearing a crew cut, cap and T-shirt during drills, he is the consummate drill sergeant.
Soon after their parents left them off on Monday morning, the teenage platoon was sitting in the lunchroom, waiting for the program to begin.
“All of them came running into the cafeteria, screaming at us, telling us to sit right,” said Crismay Negron, 17 of Springfield, a straight-A student who will be a senior this fall at Commerce High School.
“They are really strict here, but they are nice,” she said, adding, “It is hard not having a cell phone.” She praised the quality of the food, calling it “the best.” Sixteen percent of this year’s participants are female.
Negron said she wanted to try out the paramilitary style boot camp because “I want to be a detective, but I am going to be a cop first. I want the adventure; I want to see if I can handle it.”
Michael R. Rouette, 17, captain of the Monson High School soccer team said, “I really want to end up as an environmental police officer or a state police officer. That is my dream.” He plays center half-back for the Monson varsity squad.
Rouette said he feels blessed to have gotten the rare opportunity to spend a week at the police academy.
“I was very excited. This gives me a taste of what I want to do,” he said.
Having no cell phone is also different.
“It feels like you are missing something, a life line,” he said.
Nicholas M. Vumbraco, 17, who will be a senior at East Longmeadow High School – and is captain of the ice hockey team – said, “Them getting in your face is hard getting used to. You get used to it.”
Vumbraco said he got used to the academy food, but “my mother’s is better; she puts more spices in.” Vumbraco said prior to leaving for the police academy that his girlfriend admonished him to behave and be careful.
The teenage recruits are awoken at 5:30 a.m. and lights are out at 9:30 p.m.
Assisting Sgt. Mullaney are troopers Christian Paluk, the platoon leader, and Michelle Mason, John Puccia and Scott LaPointe.
“I like it here,” said Elizabeth J. Niedziela, 17, of Hadley. “It teaches a lot of teamwork.”
“I knew going into it I was going to get yelled at,” she said. “It is definitely good if you need more discipline. They will hammer it into you, and you will listen.”
Niedziela graduated in June from Hopkins Academy and will attend Westfield State University, majoring in criminal justice.