More than ten break-ins have been reported over the last month, police said.
AGAWAM - Police urge residents to report any suspicious activity in their neighborhoods as they probe a series of residential break-ins.
Lt. Richard Light said more than ten such break-ins have been reported over the last month or so, “from Feeding Hills Road all the way down to River Road.”
The suspects have been entering homes through rear doors, rear windows and bulkheads, Light said, adding that some of the entries have been through unlocked doors and windows and others have been forced.
In each instance, the occupants of the targeted homes were not around when the break-ins occurred, Light said. Cash, jewelry and electronics have been taken.
Although police have had several of what Light described as “persons of interest” in the break-ins, there are no definite suspects, he said.
A city-wide alert regarding the break-ins went out earlier this week via the Connect-CTY system that puts out messages via land lines, cell phones and the Internet.
Those who have information on the break-ins or who seek to report suspicious activity are asked to call police at (413) 786-4767.