has compiled background reading on some of the politicians subject to the most intense speculation: Rob Portman, Tim Pawlenty, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Kelly Ayotte and Bob McDonnell.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told NBC that he is looking for a vice president with a “vision for the country.” So who might that be?
To get you up to speed as Romney mulls over his choice, has pulled together background reading on some of the politicians subject to the most intense speculation.
Ohio Senator Rob Portman is considered a leading contender. The Washington Post printed a profile of Portman, portraying him as disciplined and self-effacing. In response to a newspaper story remarking that he was boring, Portman responded in the Post story, “I told my staff that I’m so boring that I didn’t even know I was boring.” CNN reports that Portman comes with significant strengths, among them his hometown in the swing state of Ohio, foreign policy and national security experience, and work under both Bush administrations.
Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is himself a former 2012 presidential candidate who got in the race early and dropped out early after failing to gain traction. The Washington Post notes that Pawlenty was passed over once before for the VP spot, by 2008 Republican nominee John McCain. Pawlenty’s hometown paper, the Star Tribune, recently ran a story about Pawlenty’s work on seven corporate boards. The Star Tribune previously reported that Pawlenty’s “lack of pizzazz” may be just what Romney is looking for.
Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan is one of the most well-known Republican leaders in the U.S. House, thanks to the budget proposal he put forth as chairman of the House Budget Committee. U.S. News and World Report details the impact of some of those budget proposals, and how they might affect Ryan as a VP pick. Politico writes that Ryan has little background in the private sector. The National Review reports on the positive chemistry between Romney and Ryan.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio could bring a crucial swing state into the Romney camp. Rubio is Cuban-American and one of his most well-known policy positions – which could hurt him with some conservative Republicans – is his decision to push for a modified version of the DREAM Act, which would allow students who are children of illegal immigrants to remain in the country legally, the New York Times reports. Fox News published a profile of Rubio, noting his hawkish foreign policy – and the scrutiny given to Rubio’s story about his immigrant parents. The Miami Herald reports on the unlikelihood of a Rubio pick, noting the coolness between Romney and Rubio.
New Hampshire Senator and former attorney general Kelly Ayotte has been floated as the most likely woman to be picked for the ticket. New Hampshire political observers told that Ayotte may not have enough experience to be picked for the job. But, NPR points out Ayotte’s conservative credentials on issues such as the death penalty and abortion could give Romney a boost.
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, who earlier said he was not being vetted, is now stumping for Romney and refusing to comment on the vice presidential selection process. ABC News provides McDonnell’s bio. “A popular pro-life battleground state governor, McDonnell's credentials include military service, stints as a prosecutor and state attorney general as well as overseeing a major drop in unemployment in his state during his term,” ABC’s Arlette Saenz writes.