Patrick, an Obama surrogate, attacked Ryan and Romney for believing that "government has no role to play in making a better future for the next generation."
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, a Democrat, released the following statement after Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney chose Congressman Paul Ryan as his pick for vice president:
"In case it was ever in doubt, what is truly at stake in this election was made even clearer today by the selection of Congressman Ryan as the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee. Congressman Ryan was the chief architect of a budget that would decimate education funding and end Medicare. He and Governor Romney believe that each and every one of us is on his or her own, and that government has no role to play in making a better future for the next generation.
We know better - that government does have a role to play, not in solving every problem in every person's life, but in helping people help themselves. The very character of our nation, and the American Dream itself, are at stake in this election - let's stand up and show that it is worth fighting for."
Patrick has long been a strong surrogate for Democratic President Barack Obama. Patrick campaigned for Obama during the president’s 2008 campaign, and the two have maintained a close political relationship since then.
Ryan, a seven-term congressman and chairman of the House Budget committee, is the author of a controversial budget plan that would cut trillions in federal spending, and turn Medicare into a voucher program.