Amherst, Northfield, Pelham, Sunderland, Gill, Conway and Huntington are among 17 new state Green Communities eligible for $2.75 million in grants.
AMHERST — State energy officials will be in town Monday to present the official Green Community status awards to the most recent group of designees.
State Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Richard K. Sullivan Jr. and Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Mark Sylvia will be in Town Hall at 1:30 to present awards to Amherst, Northfield, Pelham, Sunderland, Gill, Conway and Huntington, said spokeswoman Krista Selmi.
These communities were among the 17 statewide receiving the status, bringing the state total to 103. Athol, Belchertown, Buckland, Deerfield, Easthampton, Granby, Greenfield, Holland, Leverett, Middlefield, Palmer, Monson, Northampton and Shutesbury and Springfield have already received green status.
With green status, communities are eligible for state grants. The 17 communities are eligible for $2.75 million. Amherst is eligible to receive $302,000.
Town staff are looking at what it would cost to replace the town's 1,800 streetlights, said Town Manager John P. Musante.
Musante said staff is looking at the scope of the light replacement project as applications for the $302,000 in available funding are due next month.
As part of that work, staff will try to determine the amount the town would save. They are also considering how many lights to replace.
In the 1990s, the town had to shut off some lights to save money and reduce energy costs. "We don't see adding to the inventory," Musante said. But he said they are looking at "having what inventory we have be more efficient."
To be eligible for Green Community status, communities must meet five criteria, including establishing a municipal energy use baseline and a program to reduce use by 20 percent within five years.