Brown said the issue will be subjected to additional review that will involve business owners, residents and city officials before a renewed effort is presented for adoption.
This is an updated version of a story posted at 11:45 this morning.
WESTFIELD – As expected, a proposal to restrict types of future business development along Elm Street was withdrawn from City Council consideration Thursday night for further review.
Ward 2 City Councilor James E. Brown Jr. said the issue will be subjected to additional review that will involve business owners, residents and city officials before a renewed effort is presented for adoption. Brown asked to withdraw the request at the start of a scheduled public hearing. One person, Andrew Porter, an Elm Street resident was present to question the proposal but did not have the chance.
Brown, chairman of the council’s Legislative and Ordinance Committee, said proposed development restrictions are aimed at ensuring the city has the necessary tools in place to bring famiuly friendly business and opportunities to the on-going redevelopment of the city’s core district. That district extends from Big Y Supermarket on Broad Street to Depot Square on North Elm Street.
The withdraw of the proposal was made because Brown said he recently learned that some restrictions are already in place or governed by different zoning regulations and ordinances. The councilor said he wants a full review of all measures in place and to ensure that any new restrictions will survive challenges.
He said meetings will be scheduled shortly “with all interested parties” and that a new proposal will be brought before the City Council later this year.
The initial proposal would ban new nightclubs, pawn shops, smoking lounges, adult book and video stores, check cashing shops and tattoo anbd body piercing parlors. Existing business within the core district would be exempt from any new zoning regulations or ordinance changes.