Some opponents of a proposed ordinance allowing the Town Council to override the mayor on dismissing members of a city body have questioned if it runs counter to the city's charter.
WEST SPRINGFIELD — A proposal to allow the Town Council to override the removal of a member of a unelected city board by the mayor drew impassioned comments during a public hearing by the council Monday night.
Much of the commentary was against the proposal initiated by Town Council President Kathleen A. Bourque and massaged by the council’s policy and ordinance committee. Bourque said the proposal was brought forth last year.
Several opponents contended that the change, if implemented, would violate what they called the community’s strong mayor city charter. Town Attorney Simon J. Brighenti Jr., asked if the proposal would violate the charter, said he needs time to study the latest version of the proposed ordinance change.
“He was elected fair and square,” Irene R. Schuh of King’s Highway said of Mayor Gregory C. Neffinger. “He has the power under our charter to make these decisions.”
Chester A. Zymroz of Old Barn Road spoke in favor of the proposal.
Not allowing people to appeal dismissals to the council “is not in the best interests of our community,” Zymroz said.
Zymroz went on to say the mayor should be able to give input into the appeals process.
The proposal would allow that “If at a council meeting a majority of the council present feels the member was removed without cause, the member shall not be removed.”“
Currently, city ordinances allow the mayor to remove a member of a multiple-member board for a cause. That person must be notified in writing by certified mail within 10 days of the date of the notice. The official may request a meeting with the mayor to discuss the removal within 10 days of the date of the notice.
The proposed change calls for deleting the reference to meeting with the mayor and putting in its place “the Town Council president, vice president and chair of the Human Resource Committee.”
The proposal also calls for the addition of the following language: “Should any one of the councilors present feel the member has been removed without cause, the council president will schedule a discussion and vote of said removal for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Town Council.”
Councilors continued Monday’s public hearing on the proposal to its meeting set for 7 p.m. Sept. 4.