At least 30 new trees were planted during reconstruction of Park Square Green.
WESTFIELD — Opinions on proper tree planting may vary, but new trees planted on the green at Park Square are being inspected to ensure they are planted according to contract.
The City Council’s Natural Resources Committee met with representatives of the state’s Department of Transportation and Lynch Construction last week to review procedures used in the tree planting.
That meeting determined that some trees may need “some adjustment” in the way their were planted, Councilors Brian P. Sullivan and Agma Sweeney said Friday.
At least 30 new trees of various species were planted as part of the $14.5 million reconstruction of Park Square, Elm, Main and Broad streets.
“It was a productive meeting and we were able to come to some agreement,” said Sullivan. “Some remediation will be needed and DOT and the contractor have agreed to check each tree,” he said.
Sweeney said “some trees may have been planted a little too deep,” noting that the DOT commitment to the city was that the root crown of each tree be exposed above the finished grade in the planting process.
Cynthia Hartdegen, a local arborist, has addressed the City Council several times during the past two years, warning that proper planting of the trees will ensure their success in growth.
She was unable to be reached for comment concerning the meeting with DOT and Lynch Construction.
“The inspection and review of the planting of new trees on the green is an attempt to be proactive by the council and respond to concerns that have been raised,” Sullivan said.
“There are different opinions on the planting process, but the meeting produced an agreement that the trees will be checked according to contract specifications,” he said.