In Sprinfield, an observance begins at 10 a.m., Tuesday, the 11th anniversary of the attacks.
On Tuesday, it will be 11
years since terrorists from the
Middle East hijacked four air´
liners and crashed them into
the two towers of the World
Trade Center in New York
City, the Pentagon in Wash´
ington, D.C., and a field in
Nearly 3,000 people died in
the attacks. The country was
stunned. People everywhere
had some connection to some´
one who died on 9/11, as the
tragedy came to be called.
Western Massachusetts
counted 21 victims who lived
here, went to school here, or
were co-workers or siblings or
children of someone who lived
James F. Shea, of Westfield,
lost his daughter, Tara Shea
Creamer, who was on one of
the planes that crashed into
the towers.
Creamer was one of five
children, and had two children
of her own. “Our family re´
members Tara every day,”
said Shea, a widower. “I cer´
tainly do, in my prayers.”
Shea said he is not a man of
violence, but he believes jus´
tice was served when Ameri´
can troops killed Osama bin
Laden, mastermind of the ter´
rorist operation.
On the day of his death, said
Shea, “I received a call from
my son in Kansas City. He had
three words: ‘We got him.’¦”
Ernest and Salena Blake, of
Longmeadow, were robbed of
their granddaughter, Amy
Toyen, who had been attend´
ing a trade show at the Trade
Ernest Blake died last
month at age 93. “He was close
to all his grandchildren,” said
his widow, “but especially
close to her because she was
very artistic.”
One by one, people who
loved the people who died in
9/11 will themselves disap´
pear, but the tragedy that
changed American life will not
be forgotten.
Again this year, towns all
over Western Massachusetts
are paying homage to the vic´
tims of 9/11.
In Springfield, a 45-minute
ceremony will begin at 10 a.m.
with WWLP-TV news anchor
Barry Kriger as host.
Springfield Mayor Domenic
Sarno, Police Commissioner
William Fitchet and Fire Com´
missioner Joseph Conant will
speak. Singer Vanessa Ford
will perform the national an´
them and “God Bless Ameri´
A bagpiper will play as the
Color Guard from Barnes Air
Base lowers the American flag
to half-staff. There will be a ri´
fle salute as a wreath is placed
by officials at a steel remnant
of the World Trade Center,
displayed on pillars.
Officials will also show a
drawing of a proposed perma´
nent monument in the likeness
of a sundial, which will incor´
porate the steel artifact.
In Palmer, a candlelight vig´
il will be held at 7 p.m. at the
War Memorial at Converse
Middle School.
Town Councilor Paul E.
Burns will give the welcome
address, and the Palmer High
School band will play the na´
tional anthem and “Amazing
Grace.” The Reverend Bruce
Prestwood-Taylor will deliver
the invocation.
Speakers will include state
Sen. Stephen M. Brewer, D-
Barre, state Rep. Todd M.
Smola, R-Palmer, and Town
Council President Philip J. He´
Councilor Mary A. Salz´
mann will read a poem about
first responders.
Eight Catholic parishes in
Chicopee and Ludlow are col´
laborating on their annual me´
morial Mass for those who
died in the terrorist attacks.
The event, which started in
2006, will take place this year
at St. Anthony of Padua
Church in Chicopee beginning
at 5:30 p.m.
A choir made up of 35 mem´
bers of the different parishes
will sing.
In Westfield, the Sons of
Erin will host their annual me´
morial remembrance of Tara
Creamer and two other na´
tives of Westfield who lost
their lives in the terrorist at´
Brian Joseph Murphy and
Daniel Patrick Trant were em´
ployees of Cantor Fitzgerald
L.P., a bond trading company
with offices in the World
Trade Center.
Both Ludlow and Enfield
will hold their ceremonies at
monuments featuring steel
remnants of the World Trade
Here are some of the towns planning 9/11 events for Tuesday:
Amherst, 9:55 a.m. Down´town Fire Station.
Belchertown, 7 p.m. Can´dlelight vigil on the Town Common.
Chicopee, 5:30 p.m. Me´morial Mass at St. Anthony of Padua Church.
Enfield, 6 p.m. Parade, fol´lowed by ceremony at the 9/11 Memorial Garden at Enfield Fire Station No. 2.
Ludlow, 10 a.m. Fire De´partment at Chapin and Center Street.
Palmer, 7 p.m., War Me´morial, Converse Middle School.
Southwick, 9:45 a.m. Fire Department Headquarters, Depot Street. Annual memo´rial service.
Springfield, 10 a.m. Public Safety Complex, 1212 Carew St. Honor Guard, bagpiper, patriotic songs, speakers.
Westfield, 6 p.m. Sons of Erin Club, 22 William Street. Annual memorial in honor of three Westfield natives who died in 9/11.
Jeanette DeForge, Lori
Stabile and Ted LaBorde
contributed to this story.