The store will close for the renovations, which will likely happen within the next two to four weeks, according to the franchisee.
PALMER – The Palmer Planning Board recently approved a site plan for AAH Corp. to modify the entrance and drive-through at its Dunkin’ Donuts on North Main Street.
According to franchisee Kristopher J. Ventura, the changes will make it easier for customers to get in and out of the parking lot. The entrance and exit will move closer to the vacant Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant, and all parking spaces will be angled. Customers leaving Dunkin’ Donuts now will have to drive around the building. Another lane will be added next to the drive-through, and the traffic will be funneled to one lane.
“I’ve seen it so jammed where nobody can move,” Ventura said of the current set-up.
The changes “will improve flow,” he said.
Ventura said the store will be shut down for a few weeks for the changes, which include an interior renovation. He said that will happen sometime within the next two to four weeks.