As of Monday, 10 communities were considered of critical risk, and another 12 are at high risk. Running from north to south, the communities form a solid line from the Vermont border to very near the Connecticut border.
SPRINGFIELD - With the number of communities rated with elevated threats for Eastern Equine Escephalatis and West Nile Virus growing daily, much of the Pioneer Valley rates a threat level of at least 'high' and in some cases 'critical.'
As of Monday, 10 communities were considered of critical risk, and another 12 are at high risk. Running from north to south, the communities form a solid line from the Vermont border to very near the Connecticut border.
The entire state of Massachusetts has been declared to be of at moderate risk by the state Department of Public Health.
DPH on Monday elevated the threat level in several towns in Franklin and Worcester counties after it was learned an young girl has been hospitalized after being diagnosed with EEE.
Several communities in Hampshire and Hampden counties had already had their risk levels elevated after cases of West Nile Virus or EEE were discovered. The school systems in Chicopee, Belchertown and Ware have announced all outdoor activities scheduled for dusk or later - the time when mosquito activity is at its highest - will be either cancelled or rescheduled.
View EEE/West Nile Virus threat levels in a larger map