Residents who were out of state at the time of last week's tornados, found unconventional ways to communicate with their loved ones when the phone lines went down.
- Western Massachusetts tornado victims coping with extreme heat (video) []
- Citigroup to issue thousands of new credit cards following data breach []
- Facebook, Twitter filled communications void during last week's tornadoes []
- Hundreds of Syrian refugees flea to Turkey to escape expected crackdown []
- Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi ordered rapes of hundreds of women, International Criminal Court charges []
- Arizona wildfires grows; no end in sight (video) []
- Final approval for Colebrook wind farm in Connecticut expected []
- Bikini clad 'zombies' concern Enfield residents during calendar shoot (video) []
- Twitter posts tagged #westernma in Western Mass. []
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Residents call police over bikini-clad 'zombies':
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