Here is a list of major municipal meetings for the coming week: Agawam Mon.- Board of Appeals, 6:30 p.m., Agawam Public Library. Tues.- Agawam Cultural Council, 7 p.m., Agawam Public Library. School Committee, 7 p.m., Roberta G. Doering School. Thu.- Agawam Disability Commission, 5:30 p.m., Senior Center. Planning Board, 7 p.m., Agawam Public Library. Amherst Mon.- Town Meeting Coordinating...
Here is a list of major municipal meetings for the coming week:
Mon.- Board of Appeals, 6:30 p.m., Agawam Public Library.
Tues.- Agawam Cultural Council, 7 p.m., Agawam Public Library.
School Committee, 7 p.m., Roberta G. Doering School.
Thu.- Agawam Disability Commission, 5:30 p.m., Senior Center.
Planning Board, 7 p.m., Agawam Public Library.
Mon.- Town Meeting Coordinating Committee, 3 p.m., Town Hall
Select Board, 6:30 p.m., Town Hall
District Advisory Board, 6:30 p.m., Town Hall
Personnel Board, 6:45 p.m., Town Hall
Tues.- Disability Access Advisory Committee, 11:15 a.m., 210 Old Farm Rd.
Public Shade Tree Committee, 4 p.m., Town Hall
Conservation Commission, 7 p.m., Town Hall
Community Development Committee, 7 p.m., Bangs Community Center
Wed.- Committee on Homelessness, 10 a.m., Jones Library
Zoning Subcommittee Forum, 5 p.m., Town Hall
Planning Board, 7 p.m., Town Hall
Zoning Board of Appeals, 7:30 p.m., Town Hall
Thu.- Zoning Board of Appeals, 7:30 p.m., Town Hall
Mon.- Board of Library Trustees, 6:15 p.m., 449 Front St.
Tues. - Ordinance Committee, 6:30 p.m., City Hall
Wed. - School Committee, 7 p.m., 180 Broadway
City Council budget hearing, 6:15 p.m., City Hall
Thurs. - City Council budget hearing, 6:15 p.m., City Hall.
Mon.- Selectboard, 6:30 p.m., High School
Finance Committee, 6:30 p.m., High School
Town Meeting Continued, 7 p.m., High School
Special Town Meeting, 7:15 p.m., High School
Tues.- Conservation Commission, 7 p.m., Aldrich Hall
Planning Board, 7 p.m., High School
Wed.- Pathfinder Regional, 7 p.m., Pathfinder High.
Mon.- Council on Aging, 2 p.m., Senior Center
Appointment and Ordinance Committee, 6:30 p.m., Police Department Meeting Room
Four Rivers Charter School Board of Trustees, 7 p.m., 248 Colrain Road
Tues.- Greenfield Public Library Board of Trustees, 5:30 p.m., Greenfield Public Library
Community Relations Committee, 6 p.m., Greenfield High School Library
Conservation Commission, 7 p.m., Police Station Meeting Room
Wed.- Ways and Means Committee, 6 p.m., Police Department Meeting Room
Town Council, 7 p.m., 393 Main St.
Thu.- Planning Board, 7 p.m., 114 Main St. Agricultural Commission, 7 p.m., Town Hall.
Tues.- Council on Aging, 10:30 a.m., Senior Center
Board of Health, 7 p.m., Town Hall
Wed.- Long Range Planing Implementation Committee, 7 p.m., Senior Center
Mon.- Water Commission, 6:30 p.m., 20 Commercial St.
Tues.- Planning Board, 6 p.m., City Hall Annex, fourth-floor conference room
City Council Ordinance Committee, 6:30 p.m., City Hall, City Council Chambers
Wed.- City Council, 6 p.m., City Hall, City Council Chambers
Thu.- Council on Aging, board of directors, 10 a.m., War Memorial, 310 Appleton St.
School Committee Finance-Budget Subcommittee, 5:30 p.m., Dean Technical High School, 1045 Main St., Fifield Community Room.
Wed.- Board of Selectmen, 7 p.m., Town Hall
Mon.- Committee on Elections, Rules, Orders, Ordinances and Claims, 6 p.m., Council Chambers
Elm Street Historic District Committee, 3:30 p.m., City Hall
Thu.- City Council, 7:15 p.m., Council Chambers
South Hadley
Mon. – Board of Assessors, 9 a.m., Town Hall
Council on Aging, 4 p.m. 45 Dayton St.
Planning Board and Public Hearing, 6:30 p.m., Town Hall 204
Tues.- Community and Economic Development Commission, 3:30 p.m., Town Hall 109
Sustainability and Energy Commission, Town Hall 204
Wed.- South Hadley High School Council, 4 p.m., High School Library
Open Space Committee, 6 p.m., Town Hall 204
School Building Committee, 6:30 p.m., Town Hall
Thu.- Fire District 1, Prudential Committee, 6 p.m., 144 Newton St. Meeting- Fire District 1 Board of Water Commissioners, 6:30 p.m., Water Department Office, 438 Granby Road
Mon.- Board of Selectmen, 7 p.m., Town Hall
Board of Appeals, 7 p.m., Town Hall
Economic Development Commission, 7 p.m., Town Hall
Tues.- Planning Board, 7 p.m., Town Hall
Sewer Committee, 7 p.m., Town Hall
Thu.- Water Commission, 7 p.m., Town Hall
Board of Health, 7 p.m., Town Hall.
Mon.- City Council, 4:30 p.m., special meeting, council chambers, City Hall.
Tues.- School Committee’s Buildings and Maintenance Subcommittee, 1 p.m., School Department, 1550 Main St.
City Council Committee of the Whole, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., budget hearings, council chambers, City Hall.
Conservation Commission, 5 p.m., Public Works building, 70 Tapley St.
Springfield Redevelopment Authority, 5:30 p.m., Public Works conference room, 70 Tapley St.
Wed.- School Building Commission, 1 p.m., Putnam Vocational Technical High School, State Street.
School Committee’s Parent/Student Concerns Subcommittee, 5 p.m., School Department, 1550 Main St.
Planning Board, 6 p.m., Room 220, City Hall.
Public Health Council, 6 p.m., 95 State St., Room 201.
Thu.- City Council Finance Committee, noon, Room 200, City Hall.
City Council General Government Committee, 5:30 p.m., Room 200, City Hall.
Historical Commission, 6:30 p.m., Room 220, City Hall.
West Springfield
Tues. - Community Preservation Committee, 5:30 p.m., municipal building
School Committee, 7 p.m., West Springfield Middle School.
Wed. - Planning Board, 7 p.m., municipal building.
Mon.- School Building Committee, 6:30 p.m., 22 Ashley St.
Council on Aging, 3 p.m., City Hall
Police Commission, 7 p.m., City Hall
Tues.- City Council, 6:30 p.m., City Hall
Board of Public Works, 7 p.m., City Hall
Conservation Commission, 7 p.m., City Hall
Thu.- City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall.