Griffin has stated supporting projects like building a new high school help continue to make West Springfield a great place to live.
WEST SPRINGFIELD – Town Councilor Brian J. Griffin has announced he will seek a third term on the Town Council in the November election.
Griffin, 43, issued a press release outlining his background, platform and achievements Friday.
“I have always strived to be the most prepared leader on any issue that comes before the council,” Griffin stated.
The candidate is currently chairman of the Budget Subcommittee. Among the projects Griffin stated he has voted for are the move to build a new West Springfield High School and funds for veterans’ benefits. He also supported the Trane Energy Saving Project, which offers guaranteed savings from energy conservation measures involving city buildings.
Funding such projects helps West Springfield continue to be “a great place to live and learn,” Griffin stated.
Griffin is employed as a home office field unit leader for the Liberty Mutual Agency Corp. Among the areas in which he is involved in that capacity are planning, fiscal management, training and technical forums, and catastrophe resource allocation and preparedness.
The vice chairman of the West Springfield Democratic Committee, Griffin is affiliated with youth baseball as a coach, the John Boyle O’Reilly Club, the Dante Club and the West Springfield Knights of Columbus.