Obituaries from The Republican.
LONGMEADOW - Harry B. McHugh passed away in Longmeadow on June 28. He was born on March 27, 1918 in Meridian, Mississippi, to the late Alice Callahan and Walter McHugh. He graduated from the University of Arizona in 1941 with a bachelor of science degree. He was president and chief operating officer of LaTouraine Bickford's Foods, Inc., in Newton from 1970-1972; president and chief operating officer, board member and stockholder of LaTouraine Coffee and Friends Baked Beans Co, Inc. in Newton from 1961-1970; senior vice-president of Allied Supermarkets, Inc., Detroit, Mich., from 1960-1961; general manager and chief operating officer of Topco Associates, Inc., Skokie, IL, from 1949-1960. He was also a member of the Knights of Malta.
Obituaries from The Republican: