Contributors matched the Pats $100,000 challenge grant and then some.
SPRINGFIELD – Call it a touchdown with extra-points for tornado relief.
Community members, taking on a challenge grant of up to $100,000 pledged from the family of Patriots owner Robert Kraft for tornado relief, substantially exceeded that amount in just two weeks.
Former Patriots linebacker Andre Tippett said members of the community raised $122,131.50, bringing the total raised for the Massachusetts Statewide Disaster Relief Fund to $222,131.50.
“In early June we joined people across the nation as we watched our televisions and were stunned that the tornadoes hit so close to home,” said Tippett, executive director of community affairs for the Patriots.
The announcement was made Wednesday morning during a press conference in front of the United Way of Pioneer Valley on Mill Street. A tree on the lawn there bore damage from the tornado that ripped through the South End.
Denise R. Jordan, chief of staff for Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, praised those who contributed “because they stepped up to the plate and thought about Western Massachusetts.”
Jordan said the city is moving from a stabilization phase to a rebuilding phase as it continue to recover from the June 1 tornado. “Debris collection is on-track and ready to go,” she said.
Jordan also thanked the victims of the tornadoes for their “resilience and patience during this troubled time."
Dora D. Robinson, United Way of Pioneer Valley president and chief executive officer said the monies raised and matched will make a significant difference to the community “as we move from relief to rebuilding.”
Donations included:
• $26,293 from Greater Springfield Visitor and Convention Bureau and Massachusetts Restaurant Association.
• $10,000 from Waters Co.
• $10,000 from Savings Bank Life Insurance
• $8,500 from Par Electric, Watkins Strategies, McVac Environmental, Longfellow Drilling, The Spear Group, and Quanta Energized Services.
• $5,000 from Excel Dryer
• $1,800 from Patriot’s Alumni Association
• $776.50 from the town of East Longmeadow