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Your comments: Readers react to $850,000 sale of Holyoke Country Club


One reader writes, "While I would certainly like to know what his plans are, he is no way obligated to tell anybody."

holyoke country clubA golfer hits from the fairway on the 9th hole at Holyoke Country Club in this September 2006 file photo, when the course was celebrating its 100th birthday.

MassLive.com readers continue to respond to the news of entertainment mogul Eric Suher's purchase of Holyoke Country Club. Suher also owns the nearby Mountain Park outdoor music venue.

scorp4t writes:

When Mr. Suher first bought the former Mt. Park, my main concern was that development would encroach upon and/or damage the natural beauty that borders the property. The former Mt Tom Ski area & Little Tom -- now owned by the Trustees of Lands -- and the Whiting Street Reservoir owned by the city are both areas that I felt should be preserved for the public's benefit. I pretty much grew up in those woods and to this day hike and photograph the area.

I can tell you that since the music venue opened, my fears have never been realized. Other than the removal of a few trees, which can be replaced and might actually help the acoustics of the venue if replaced, I have not seen any negative impact on the enviroment or the wildlife therein. Although I do not know the extent of the land involved with this purchase, I am confident that the enviromental impact will be minimal.

toteroadski writes:

Eric certainly has his own interests and those of his investors at heart. While I would certainly like to know what his plans are, he is no way obligated to tell anybody.


Frankly, with Northampton real estate prices already super inflated, one is much more likely to turn a profit off real estate in Holyoke. Never mind the fact that Holyoke, not Amherst or Northampton or any other valley community, is easily the "greenest" city in the valley, and most likely the state.

the413 writes:

Now how about adding another 9 holes with the 63 other acres!

What is your take on the issue? Chime in below and let us know what you think.

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