A tornado-damaged house in the East Forest Park neighborhood, assessed at $118,600, sold for $42,500.

SPRINGFIELD – The June 1 tornado did not stop buyers from bidding on properties at Tuesday’s real estate auction at City Hall.
A tornado-damaged house at 27 Mary St. in the East Forest Park neighborhood, assessed at $118,600, sold for $42,500 to Stephen Wagner of Longmeadow.
“I’m going to rehab it for a friend,” he said. “The house had tornado damage to the roof, but it’s in very good condition inside.”
A total of 26 tax-title properties were sold at Tuesday’s municipal real estate auction at City Hall. City treasurer and collector Stephen J. Lonergan said bids Tuesday night totaled approximately $247,000.
“This puts properties which have been foreclosed on back on the tax rolls,” he said.
He added, “It also helps people to revitalize their neighborhoods.”
All residential properties which are purchased at auction must have a homeowner occupant for a minimum of three years.
“This is a good way to buy a house or a lot at great price,” Lonergan said.
Daniel J. Flynn of Quincy runs the auctions for the city. Lonergan said Flynn gives everyone who is interested a chance to bid on the property.
“We want everyone to go away happy,” Lonergan said.
A $5,000 certified bank check is required to bid on a property.
A total of nine residences, 16 residential lots and one commercial property were up for bid Tuesday night.
Lonergan said the auction originally was scheduled to be held in June, but was postponed because of the tornado. Flynn said at the beginning of the auction that he was delighted to see that everybody was safe and sound following the tornado.
“I am delighted that the loss of life was not much worse, and I am delighted to be here with you to show the resilience you folks have,” Flynn said.
Lonergan said Flynn tours the properties and holds an open house before the auction so that he knows all the neighborhoods in the city.
“Even if you don’t buy anything, the auction is good entertainment,” Lonergan said.
View Springfield Municipal Auction scheduled July 19, 2011 in a larger map
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Blue markers: Houses
Purple markers: Lots
Green marker: Commercial property