Those temperatures locally are expected to climb into the mid-90s in the coming days, but high humidity will make it seem hotter.
SPRINGFIELD - As a withering heat wave washes across the nation and the region, emergency personnel and medical experts are cautioning those most vulnerable to ward off the potentially deadly effects of high temperatures.
Those temperatures locally are expected to climb into the mid-90s in the coming days with no rain in the forecast until the weekend, according to weather reports. Heat warnings have been issued in 17 states, primarily in the central U.S. where the heat index is expected to climb as high as 126 degrees.
Behind the anticipated sweaty stretch is a high pressure system over the Great Plains, the National Weather Service said.
Dr. John P. Santoro, vice chairman of the emergency department for Baystate Health, said it is not necessary for generally healthy people to lock themselves in air conditioning to ride out the heat, but that the elderly, infants and outdoor workers are most vulnerable to sizzling temperatures.
“A 20-year-old healthy kid doesn’t need to stay inside air conditioning all day but if you get a 50-year-old asthmatic, that’s a different story,” Santoro said, advising everyone to take breaks from activity, cover up exposed areas of their bodies and stay hydrated in high heat.
Santoro said visits to the emergency room spike during the heat, but some maladies such as weakness in the elderly and other generalized complaints are difficult to attribute to the heat.
“When we know it’s definitely heat-related is someone who has been working out in the sun who then comes in with a temperature of 105 degrees – and that’s a real risk,” he said.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has warned of poor air quality due to the heat in Springfield and other parts of the state, and has also asked residents to limit their electricity use to avoid overloads and outages.
Local communities have issued “excessive heat watches” and are urging residents to stay inside. Some cities and towns are opening cooling centers for what are expected to be the hottest days including Agawam; Easthampton; Greenfield; Holyoke; Northampton and Springfield.
Locations of Pioneer Valley cooling centers
View Pioneer Valley cooling centers, July 21-23 in a larger map
The American Red Cross also advised people to stay hydrated in the heat and avoid drinks with caffeine and alcohol.
The symptoms of heat exhaustion include headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness and cool, moist or pale skin. Those exhibiting signs should be moved to a cooler place, sprayed with water or tended to with wet cloths.
Heat-stroke is life-threatening and signs include hot, red skin, changes in consciousness, vomiting and high body temperature. If a person starts showing these signs, call 911 and quickly immerse the person up to their neck in cold water if possible.