A new study shows that 25% of gay teens in Massachusetts identify themselves as homeless; A Montana man executes 55 dogs during a standoff with police; and more of the morning's headlines.
- Massachusetts adds 142 electric vehicle charging sites [Boston.com]
- Conn. bicyclist hears woman scream "Kill him, run him over!" before he is hit by car [Courant.com]
- Motorcyclist hurls through van window in collision, lands in rear seat without driver's knowledge [VVDailyPress.com]
- Police trying to unravel an incident where a 4-year-old boy shot himself in the head in a Chicago liquor store [ChicagoTribune.com]
- Montana man executes 55 dogs during standoff with police [Missoula.com)]
- Study: Nearly 25 percent of gay teens in Massachusetts are homeless [UPI.com]
- Twitter posts tagged #westernma in Western Mass. [MassLive.com]
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Christian extremest suspected in deadly attacks in Norway
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