Councilor James Brown also gained Council support to investigate assistance from the UMass Center for Economic Development.
WESTFIELD – Ward 2 City Councilor James E. Brown Jr. wants the city to create additional efforts to attract and encourage business development in and around the city’s downtown area.
Brown, noting a new marketing strategy for the Elm Street corridor is already underway, said Friday additional work is needed to “ensure that Westfield can take advantage of any state and federal program that can assist in the city’s rebirth."
He was successful Thursday in gaining City Council support to consider establishment of an Economic Impact Zone for the downtown and the council will now work with Mayor Daniel M. Knapik, City Advancement Officer Jeffrey R. Daley and City Planner Lawrence B. Smith and others who are already working to market the city.
“The creation of an Economic Impact Zone will allow us to take advantage of any and all state and federal resources either those that currently exist or future new ones,” said Brown.
Brown also gained City Council support to investigate possible assistance from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst’'s Center for Economic Development. He wants UMass to conduct a “comprehensive study” on what he calls a “business advancement master plan” for the downtown.
“There are several efforts already underway to bring attention to revitalizing downtown. I just want to make sure no stone is unturned. We need everyone engaged in this effort. Everyone, all agencies and departments, must work together and be prepared to take advantage of anything that might come our way,” said Brown.
Smith suggested Friday that the city consider a market analysis and a business recruitment plan for the downtown.
“The analysis will identify what businesses will be supported in the downtown area and the recruitment plan will outline the steps that should be taken to attract new and maintain existing businesses,” said Smith.
The city last year completed a six-month review of the downtown that sought suggestions and recommendations from businesses and residents on ways to revitalize the area.
The volunteer Downtown Action Plan Committee is now in the process of prioritizing those recommendations. Also, the committee is working to identify and create out-reach programs that will involve various ethnic groups in and around the downtown.
The focus is on retention of existing business and the reuse of vacant storefronts and other buildings in the downtown, including Depot Square and Westfield River Front.