UMass women's study founder Arlene Avakian retires after more than 3 decades
Avakian was praised for broadening the discussion of women to race and class. The Republican | Diane LedermanArlene Avakian, retiring director of the Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies program at the...
View ArticleSpringfield Mayor Domenic Sarno, challengers Antonette Pepe, Jose Tosado...
A report calling for the mayor's salary to be set at $110,000 is expected to land on the City Council agenda soon, even though Sarno and his 2 challengers want nothing to do with it. File photos | The...
View ArticleJohn Finnie, of Holyoke, charged with transporting hazardous materials
Hampden District Attorney Mark Mastroianni said a Haz-Mat team searched Finnie's car and home. (Republican Photo by Robert Rizzuto)Holyoke police and fire officials along with state police and HazMat...
View ArticleIn Massachusetts, summer school learning helps build skills
State officials funneled a total of $250,000 through local United Ways across the state to expand summer school in seven cities, including Springfield and Holyoke. The Republican | Don TreegerKemia...
View ArticleSpringfield's 375th birthday planners are ready for the big bash
The Spirit of Springfield, organizer of the birthday extravaganza, says it's prepared for the year-long celebration. Republican file photoJudith A. Matt, president of Spirit of Springfield, the...
View ArticleSpringfield's MassMutual celebrates 160th anniversary
The previous headquarters building still stands on the southwest corner of State and Main streets. submitted photoMassMutual established its first agents training school at the home office in 1939....
View ArticleBlack bear sighted near housing complex in Springfield's Outerbelt neighborhood
Authorities say it's unusual to see bears in Springfield, even in the city's suburban outer fringes. Republican file photoThis black bear was seen roaming through a residential property on Old Douglas...
View ArticleGranby, Conn., teenager in critical condition after being struck by car
Connecticut authorities said they would not identify the teenager until his family had been contacted about the Saturday afternoon inicident GRANBY, CONN. -- Police here said a 17-year-old boy was...
View ArticleHealth care costs a hefty price tag for Pentagon
The current fees, unchanged in 11 years, are $230 a year for an individual and $460 for a family. That's far less than what civilian federal workers pay for health care, about $5,000 a year, and what...
View ArticleSectarian violence in Egypt leaves 12 dead, 230-plus injured, churches burned
During Egypt's 18-day uprising that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak several months ago, there was a rare spirit of brotherhood between Muslims and Christians. View full sizeFiremen fight a fire...
View ArticleReligious leaders struggle to address Osama bin Laden's death from the pulpit
There is at least some dissonance between the values they preach and the triumphant response on the streets of New York and Washington to the death of a human being — even one responsible for...
View ArticleHolyoke Geriatric Authority battle has residents like Jeanne Forget stuck in...
Officials are clashing over whether the Geriatric Authority's unpaid bills to the city total $2.84 million or $877,000. Republican Staff Photo by Dave RobackJeanne Forget talks about the Holyoke...
View ArticleChina may have upper hand in economy talks with U.S. this week
At the same time, America's biggest foreign creditor wants assurances that its $1.2 trillion in U.S. Treasury holdings are safe. View full sizeFILE - In this March 31, 2011, file photo U.S. Treasury...
View ArticleObituaries today: Vernon Villeneuve operated Vernon's Radio and Sound, A.A....
Obituaries from The Republican. Vernon W. Villeneuve Vernon W. Villeneuve, 93, of Springfield, died Wednesday. Villeneuve was born in Newport, Vt., attended Catholic schools there, and graduated from...
View ArticleMassachusetts lawmakers to hold hearing on tax bills
The Joint Committee on Revenue has scheduled a hearing on dozens of bills aimed at changing the state's tax code. BOSTON — Taxes are on the table again this week on Beacon Hill. The Joint Committee on...
View ArticlePalmer High School students create anti-bullying video
This is the 2nd anti-bullying video done by Palmer High School students. Palmer - Staff photo by Michael S. Gordon - Palmer High School guidance counselor Frederick G. Dileone, right, and students who...
View ArticleWestern Massachusetts communities list meetings for the week
Here is a list of major municipal meetings for the coming week in Western Massachusetts: Agawam Tues.-Agawam Cultural Council, 7 p.m., Agawam Public Library. School Committee, 7 p.m., Roberta G....
View ArticleLongmeadow fire damages house on Field Road
The fire was caused by a malfunctioning electrical system. Republican file photo LONGMEADOW – A fire caused major damage to a house Sunday, leaving a family of three looking for another place to live....
View ArticleMissing hikers in Leverett located by police
The three hikers had been reported missing around dusk. Republican Staff photo by Michael Beswick LEVERETT - State police are reporting three adults who got lost while hiking off Rattlesnake Gutter...
View ArticlePresident Obama: 'Getting our man' outweighed risks of raid on bin Laden...
Public opinion polls have shown a boost in Obama's support in the days since the raid, and his re-election campaign was eager to draw attention to the interview. (AP Photo/Khalid Tanveer)Activists of...
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