After president Barack Obama spoke out in support of marriage equality on Wednesday, politicians and people from across Massachusetts offered support or criticism for his position.
President Barack Obama delivers his remarks at the Human Rights Campaign's 15th annual national dinner in Washington Saturday Oct. 1, 2011. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Following President Barack Obama's announcement Wednesday that he is supportive of same-sex marriage, politicians from around Massachusetts, the first state in the nation to legalize marriage equality, offered their reactions.
-Democratic Massachusetts Gov. Deval Partick said that Obama's support for same-sex marriage will uplift people around the country waiting for equal rights.
“President Obama has once again affirmed that we are a country that stands for the basic values of equality and opportunity," Patrick said in a statement. "Since 2004, same-sex couples in Massachusetts have had the security of knowing that their families have the same rights and protections as every other family, including health care benefits and hospital visitation rights. The President's words today give same-sex couples across the country still awaiting those rights a powerful reason to feel hopeful."
- John Walsh, chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party, said that Obama's statement will bring the country closer to true equality.
"Like many of us, the President has gone through some soul-searching on this issue and there’s no doubt that hearing from gay and lesbian couples, brave LGBT members of our military, staff members and folks who sent compelling letters about their lives helped shape the President’s view on marriage equality," Walsh said. "From my own experience, I know that the best way to change people’s hearts and minds on issues of equality and fairness is to lift up the voices of those who face discrimination, harassment and hatred."
-U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, an openly gay Massachusetts Democrat, said Obama’s support for gay marriage was a “next logical step” after Obama’s refusal to defend the Defense of Marriage Act.
“I believe it will be clear in the days ahead that this will cost him no votes, since those opposed to legal equality for LGBT people were already inclined to oppose him,” Frank said in a statement. “It will make it easier for us to mobilize the people in this country who oppose discrimination to help reelect him.”
-Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren, who has called for full legal equality for LGBT citizens and recently called on Obama to embrace same sex marriage, showed her support via Twitter.
"Proud to stand with our President in support of marriage equality," Warren Tweeted. "Thank you, @BarackObama."
-Marcie Kinzel, a spokesperson for U.S. Sen. Scott Brown's Senate office, said the Republican senator believes the issue of who can get married should be decided by each state.
“Here in Massachusetts, gay marriage has been settled law for nearly a decade, and Senator Brown continues to believe that states should be able to decide this issue," Kinzel said in a statement. "Regardless of how states choose to define marriage, Senator Brown believes all people should be treated with dignity and respect. Right now, Americans of all backgrounds desperately need jobs, and that is what Senator Brown is focused on."
- Massachusetts Senate President Pro Tempore Stan Rosenberg, D-Amherst, called the step “courageous” for Obama, given that the country is strongly divided on gay marriage. Rosenberg said he thinks the reaction in Massachusetts will be “somewhere between being very pleased and saying ho hum.”
"We've lived with it for a number of years right now and it’s just become part of the fabric of our life, our society here in Massachusetts so it’s kind of taken for granted now,” Rosenberg said.
- State Sen. Gale Candaras, D-Wilbraham, said that Obama did the right thing by speaking out in support of equal rights.
"I think he said exactly what the leader of the free world should say. He sent a message to the rest of the world, especially countries where human rights and dignity aren't respected, and said that we respect the rights of all citizens. Especially when it comes to matters of personal liberty such as who you choose to marry. As long as consenting adults are making decisions together, it isn't the government's business."
-Richard Tisei, a Republican congressional candidate in the 6th district and former Massachusetts state Senate minority leader, who is gay, said he believes Obama’s evolution “is a good thing.
“I think he’s gone through the same process a lot of people here in Massachusetts have gone through over the past five or six years, that is they gradually and individually come to the conclusion that everybody should be treated equally and fairly under the law,” Tisei said.
-Amaad Riveria, Springfield's first openly gay city councilman and the president of Springfield Pride, said he is pleased with the timing of the president's announcement.
"In the wake of North Carolina's ban of gay marriage and civil unions, it made me ecstatic that the president stood up for equality," Riveria said. "Although there is still much work to do, this is really a watershed moment for LGBT equality across the country."
-Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, called Obama “the ultimate flip flop flipper” because of his changing position on gay marriage.
“Mr. President, would you please make up your mind?” Mineau said, calling Obama's new stance “political theater.” If Mr. Obama had a great burden in his heart, why didn’t he come out for gay marriage before North Carolina’s record vote yesterday?”
-State Rep. Stephen Kulik, D-Worthington, said that he hopes Obama's announcement inspires others to personally explore the issue.
"We have been used to this in Massachusetts since 2006 and probably take it for granted at this point," Kulik said. "But much of the rest of the country has not embraced it. I'm pleased the president arrived at this decision and hope more people go through the journey of understanding and come to the same conclusion."
-State Rep. Sean Curran, D-Springfield, said he wasn't surprised by Obama's announcement on Wednesday, considering Vice President Joe Biden also spoke in support of same sex marriage days prior.
"It is different from his previous position and a politically courageous move," Curran said. "In the 2004 race, it seems that the issue was a major one contributing to George Bush being reelected. So this was a bold move on his part."
-David Jarnes, a retired case worker with the State Department of Mental Health, said that Obama's statement was a long time coming.
"I was surprised and thought like many people that he would wait until after the election," Jarnes said. "I've been a supporter of his but I've been critical that he has been too wishy washy, not taking strong positions on important issues so as not to offend his base. But for this, I give him credit."