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More than 2,500 pay respects at wake for Westfield police officer Jose Torres


The funeral for the veteran police officer killed in the line of duty will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday. Watch video

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Updates a story posted Monday at 4:14 p.m.

WESTFIELD – Patrolman Jose Torres, killed at a construction site accident last week, was remembered Monday by many as a family man, cop’s cop and an avid Red Sox fan.

Hundreds of friends and well-wishers stood for as long as two-hours outside Firtion Adams Funeral Home waiting to pay their last respects to the 27-year police veteran. Police cruiser #21 was parked outside the home, lights running and draped in black bunting, representing his duty vehicle.

More than 2,500 well wishers attended the wake with an estimated 300 to 400 still standing in line outside the funeral home at 7:30 p.m.

Police and other public safety officers from as far away as Boston and East Lyme, Conn. joined the Torres family to pay their last respects first. Many more are expected for funeral services, with full police honors, on Tuesday. The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. at Westfield State University followed by burial in Pine Hill Cemetery.

“Not to long,” said Elaine M. Chrzanowski about the wait. “I’ve know Jose since we were kids. He was an awesome individual. Everybody loved him,” she said.

William R. Wagner said he coached youth football with Torres. “He was just a great role model. People loved him.”

Patrick T. Kennedy, music director at Westfield High School, said “this is nothing especially for someone like him. He was well liked. What a tragic loss.”

Torres died July 26 after being struck by a dump truck at a water line replacement project on Pontoosic Road where he was assigned traffic control duty. The accident remains under investigation by state and local police.

Many people Monday spoke of Torres’ love of family and people in general. Some spoke of how they met the officer with many saying it was the result of an incident they or a family member had been involved in.

“He was very understanding and would do anything for anyone,” said Lisa Burns.

Michael Burns said he grew up with Torres and his brothers Danny and Junior who became firefighters.

“He was the guy you wanted at an incident,” Michael Burns said. “I just saw him last week. Many people say Jose was the life of the party. But, he was the life of life,” said Burns.

Mayor Daniel M. Knapik last week called Torres an “ambassador for the Police Department.” Monday the mayor said “There are not many in Westfield who did not know Jose.”

There were stories of Torres purchasing burgers and other food for homeless and he and his friends going out Christmas Caroling during the holidays.

“He was such a sweet guy,” said Patricia Stephens. “He was such a good guy, just a sweet man,” she said.

Several mentioned Torres’ love for the Red Sox and his casket was a Red Sox casket and decorated with Red Sox memorabilia including a Red Sox blanket. He had taken his sons Jay and Christopher to Fenway Park earlier this month to witness a game.

Members of Westfield Police Explorer Club passed out bottled water to mourners Monday afternoon and will be available during Tuesday’s funeral services to help park vehicles.

“This is what we do. We help in any way we can here, at parades, fireworks and any community activity,” said Caitlin Julios, 16, a junior at Westfield High School.

Tuesday’s funeral procession will leave from Firtion Adams Funeral Services at 76 Broad St. at 10 a.m. and proceed up Broad Street to Elm Street, stopping at Fire Department Headquarters. It will then proceed down Elm Street to Franklin Street to Washington Street and stop at the Police Department Headquarters. From there will travel to Court Street, stopping in front of City Hall before proceeding to Western Avenue and Westfield State University.

Following funeral services, the procession will return down western Avenue to Pine Hill Cemetery.

During Monday’s wake, a make-shift stand had been set up at Little River Plaza at the intersection of East Main Street and Little River Road to sell blue ribbons and blue light bulbs, a project started by Marybeth Barnachez, wife of Police Officer John P. Barnachez.

Proceeds from the sale, which started Sunday, will benefit the Torres family.

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