Monson misses block grant funding again, despite effects of tornado
The last time the town received a block grant was three years ago. MONSON — Once again, the town did not receive a federal Community Development Block Grant, even though the $800,000 in funds that...
View ArticleWestern Massachusetts Boy Scout camp reopens at Moses Reservation in Russell
Volunteers are running the camp, and all expenses are paid with the tuition boys pay. RUSSELL — Boys in one cabin hammered red-hot metal into shape, another nearby group practiced CPR on a dummy and...
View ArticleSoftball tournament to benefit 2 Hadley families with ailing children
Ten teams will compete in a double elimination benefit softball tournament Aug. 5. File photo | Associated Press HADLEY – Last year, Kelly Martula and friends came together to support her brother’s...
View ArticleElizabeth Warren to speak at Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC
Warren will be addressing the crowd immediately before former President Bill Clinton officially nominates Barack Obama for a second presidential term. President Barack Obama waves to supporters as he...
View ArticleU.S. Rep. Richard Neal to chat live with readers on Wednesday
U.S. Rep. Richard Neal will take questions from the readers on Wednesday, Aug. 1 at 2 p.m. SPRINGFIELD - Remembering and Renewing: a ceremony to mark the one year anniversary of the...
View ArticleAshley Ballester, 19-year-old Springfield mother, killed in hit-and-run...
The accident that took the life of Ashley Ballester very nearly also took the life of her daughter, Lailani, who is not quite 2 years old. View full sizeThe Republican | Patrick JohnsonGloria...
View ArticleQuarrying rights at Holyoke's Mount Tom set to end
Materials mined from the quarry helped build roads. The Republican file photo | John SuchockiThis aerial photograph, taken in 2002, shows Mount Tom quarry at bottom right, adjacent to former ski...
View ArticleMore than 2,500 pay respects at wake for Westfield police officer Jose Torres
The funeral for the veteran police officer killed in the line of duty will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday. Watch video Jose Torres funeral arrangementsFile photo | The RepublicanWestfield Police Officer Jose...
View ArticleSpringfield City Council boosts trash fee by $15, bails out 3 branch libraries
Councilor John A. Lysak said a lawyer for the state Department of Revenue told him that the move amounted to a legal sidestepping of Proposition 2½. File photos | The RepublicanThree closed branches...
View ArticlePalmer Town Council discusses priorities, business climate
Councilor Matthew Lovell said the council's main goal should be to support the town manager in his goals. "If he succeeds, then the town succeeds," Lovell said. PALMER — How to bring more businesses...
View ArticleSix Flags New England gets Agawam OK to build highest swing set ride in world
The amusement park wants to build a 385-foot-tall swing set ride to be called the "Star Flyer." File photo | The Republican AGAWAM – The Zoning Board of Appeals voted unanimously Monday to grant the...
View ArticleAmherst to organize mass harvesting to feed the hungry
People needed Tuesday night to plan for the first town-wide gleaning effort. File photo | Associated Press AMHERST – A group of people interested in growing more food in town is looking for some...
View ArticleWare selectmen delay action on retired teachers' health insurance contributions
Explaining the delay, town officials say they have been unable to obtain claims information from Massachusetts officials – making it impossible to calculate the costs and benefits of any potential...
View ArticleLand-use restrictions by MassWildlife's Natural Heritage and Endangered...
Proponents of proposed projects in Agawam, Holyoke, Westfield and elsewhere throughout Western Massachusetts say the initiatives have moved slowly because of the Natural Heritage review process. Photo...
View ArticleWhole Amtrak system now open to eTickets
Amtrak says it's launching its eTicket program, which started as a pilot on the Downeaster, to all trains within its national network. The Associated PressPassengers board Amtrak's Downeaster train,...
View ArticleRyan Sweeney injury: Boston Red Sox OF punches door, requires X-rays
Sweeney said his pinkie was sore but didn't know if he broke any bones. He was scheduled to have X-rays Tuesday. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)Boston Red Sox's Ryan Sweeney, left, reacts after he struck...
View ArticleOxford boy who survived shooting by dad critical
A 9-year-old boy is fighting for his life after a weekend shooting in Massachusetts at the hands of his father, who police say also killed his 7-year-old daughter before committing suicide. The...
View ArticleMLB trade rumors 2012: Boston Red Sox not dealing Josh Beckett, quiet trade...
Beckett had been made available, but his biggest suitor, which appears to have been the Texas Rangers, was reportedly turned off by the amount of money remaining on his contract. (AP Photo/Michael...
View ArticleIndia suffers world's biggest blackout after massive power outage
The collapse of regional power grids in India left 620 million people with no electricity for several hours in an incident that has been dubbed as "the world's biggest-ever blackout." AP Photo/ Rajesh...
View ArticleMLB trade rumors 2012: For Boston Red Sox, others, action not likely to match...
Tuesday afternoon's Major League trade deadline will see a load or rumors, but the bark this time of year is almost always worse than the bite. Philadelphia ace Cliff Lee could be one of the big names...
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