Bringing sewer services, estimated at $7.3 million, is expected to open up that area of Agawam for development.
AGAWAM – Plans are in the works for the second phase of the southwest sewer area project, a project currently estimated at $7.3 million.
Department of Public Works Superintendent Christopher J. Golba said Friday that consulting engineering firm Tighe and Bond is working on designs and analyzing costs. Once figures are determined, Golba said, the project will be presented to the City Council for approval, something he anticipates will take place over the next couple of months.
Plans call for about 21,000 feet of sewer lines starting on Pine Street at South Westfield Street and including parts of Barry Street and the rest of South Westfield Street. Sewer lines will also be installed along Tannery Road, Bradford Drive, Meyers Drive, Oakmont Place and Spruce Circle. The project includes pumping stations at Barry and Pine streets, as well as work at Oak Ridge Country Club and vicinity.
Golba said that because the first phase of the project was completed for about $1.7 million last fall, the city was able to install more sewer lines in the second phase than originally anticipated.
Golba said he does not yet know how much residents will be assessed in betterment fees.
“It has been a long time coming for the town and will eventually make a lot of people happy,” the public works chief said. “It will open up good sections of town to development.”
The sewer lines are needed because the area has lots of old septic tanks that are failing, Golba said.
The first phase of the project involved installing sewer line along Route 57 starting at Shoemaker Lane near the Route 57 Bridge to South Westfield Street and then along South Westfield Street to the vicinity of the old state police academy.